A message from the President
Hello Cousins,
Hoping you had a wonderful holiday season with your family. Your Dickinson Family Association is meeting in January to work on details of the June Reunion.
As mentioned in our recent e-newsletter our Reunion for 2015 will be at the Emily Dickinson Museum on June 20 with Cindy Dickinson, curator and historian, as our speaker. Our Association Dinner will be held the night before at the Lord Jeffrey Inn. One of our cherished traditions at our reunions is the “counting of the cousins” to see how many attendees are related to which son or daughter of Nathaniel. I was so pleased that a single intrepid descendant of Thomas attended last year. However, many years go by without a member of Hannah’s line visiting. Recently, persons of Hannah’s line have been in contact with our Cousin and Historian Alan Dickinson. I encourage you all to read Alan’s account of this activity in this newsletter.
Andrew Dickinson, President
2015 SCHOLARSHIP FORMS AVAILABLE Application forms are now available for the 2015 DFA scholarship. Applicants must be descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson and must be accepted to a four-year college or university. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2015. Full information on requirements and an application form may be found on our website. For additional information you may contact our scholarship chair, Jean Whitten, 9 Shepherd Road, Manchester, NH 03104, jeanmblackmer@gmail.com. If you don’t have access to the internet, contact Jean and she will send you the form. As always, we rely on contributions from DFA members to sustain and increase the scholarship fund. If you are able, we would appreciate your help. Indicate “scholarship fund” on the January Survey form if you wish to make a donation. |
1883 – 2015 June 19 / 20, 2015 is the date to save for the 133nd anniversary of the reunion of 1883. The 1883 meeting took place on the campus of Amherst College in Amherst, MA. This year the reunion will be in Amherst at the Emily Dickinson Homestead, adjacent to Amherst College. |
DESCENDANTS OF HANNAHRecently we were delighted to be contacted by some descendants of Nathaniel’s daughter, Hannah. Hannah married John Clary and all her Clary descendants can be listed in our main genealogy, but after the 7th generation our information tapers off dramatically. We very rarely see any descendants of Hannah at our reunions. Only one of the last 12 reunions included descendants of Hannah. So we are happy to add Richard Brown, his son, Hugh (Rob), and daughter-in-law Renee to our membership list. Renee is the family genealogist and has sent us a great deal of information which we have not previously had. In addition, she and Rob have recently recorded a segment for the PBS show, Genealogy Roadshow. It will air on January 27, 2015, at 8pm. Genealogy Roadshow has also done some research on Nathaniel Dickinson’s descendants which we hope eventually to see. Meanwhile, we may have some names under Hannah on our “sign-in” poster at an upcoming reunion! |
ANNUAL JANUARY SURVEY Enclosed with this newsletter is a response card on which you can indicate your tentative intention to attend this year’s reunion. It also gives you an opportunity to offer your help to the association. Some of the volunteer work requires that you be able to attend board meetings (usually 3 per year) which currently are held in W. Springfield and Sturbridge, MA. Distance exempts many of you from this, but we do have a large number of members who live close enough. We really hope you will give favorable consideration to helping us out. The association can’t exist without these volunteers. Also this is the time we ask you to consider a monetary gift to the association. As you know, we rely on contributions from members for our operating expenses and also to support and build up our scholarship fund. Please return the response card in the envelope provided, together with your check, if you are able, made out to The Dickinson Family Association. |
We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it is easy to forget to update them. So if your e-mail address and/or your postal address changes we would greatly appreciate your sending the new one to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, at bethL0719@sbcglobal.net