Dickinson Family Association
Volume XXI Number 3

Keeney Memorial Center, Wethersfield, CT
Site of our 2025 Reunion, June 21, 2025
President’s Message
Thank you to everyone for an exciting reunion last summer at Amherst College and the Emily Dickinson Museum. Thanks again to everyone who attended and assisted in holding this unique reunion experience. We look forward to scheduling another reunion at Amherst College soon as they have plans to construct a new dining hall within the next few years. For 2025, we are returning to Wethersfield, CT located immediately south of Hartford, CT where our family’s American journey began (circa 1637).
This fall the DFA board has been busy planning for our 2025 Reunion to be held Saturday, June 21, 2025 in Wethersfield, CT hosted by the Wethersfield Historical Society at the Keeney Memorial Cultural Center, 200 Main St. which is a short distance from I-91 (Old Wethersfield Exit). Wethersfield was the first permanent residence of Nathaniel Dickinson and his family. Many of our ancestors continued to live in Wethersfield and its surrounding communities for the past 385 years. Several historical houses owned by the WHS surround the Kenney Memorial Cultural Center and it also has a history museum located on the first floor. I encourage everyone to schedule a multi-day vacation in the Wethersfield/Hartford area as there are many libraries and historical societies that contain information on our family heritage. For more information on Wethersfield Historical Society and their museums see the following website link: https://www.wethersfieldhistory.org
On Saturday our reunion will be held within the ballroom and our main speaker will be William “Gillie” Johnson, Museum Educator. We intend to conduct a group tour on Friday afternoon of the Buttolph-Williams House (constructed in 1711 by Benjamin Belden) located a few blocks away at the corner of Broad St. and Marsh St. For more information on the Buttolph-Williams House which is owned by the Webb Deane Stevens Museum see the following website link: https://wdsmuseum.org/on-site/historic-houses/the-buttolph-williams-house/
The WHS intends to provide a group tour on Saturday afternoon 3:30-4pm, pending sufficient interest, of the Cove Warehouse Maritime Museum (constructed circa 1700) located at the north end of Main St. (Cove Park Boat Launch). The Cove Warehouse lot was selected by Nathaniel Dickinson in 1648 during a period when he served as Town Clerk, Selectman, and Deacon of Wethersfield’s First Church.
Wethersfield has 150 houses that were built prior to 1850. Many of them line both sides of Main St. You may want to consider walking from the village center to the Cove Warehouse and around the Broad Street Green. As indicated on ancient maps, Nathaniel Dickinson’s original lot was located at 25 Garden St. (located between Broad St. and Main St.) where the John Chester Tavern (1735) currently stands.
See the following link for a detailed Wethersfield map: https://wethersfieldct.gov/visitor-information/
The location of Friday’s dinner is currently TBD; however, its location and other details will be clarified in the January Newsletter. Look forward to seeing everyone again in 2025!
Best Regards,
President: Ken Dickinson
One of the most important functions of the Dickinson Family Association is the awarding of our annual scholarship. For the year 2024, the Scholarship Committee selected Riley Arenberg, who is attending Amherst College, to receive a scholarship of $1,500. The 2025 Scholarship application process will continue to be online. For information you may go to our website under “Scholarship” or contact our scholarship chair, Lisa Butler, via email at: dickinsonfamilyassociation@gmail.com
Lisa Butler, our Dickinson Genealogist, requests your inputs on Nathaniel Dickinson’s descendants. You may send your births, marriages and death announcements to: dickinsonfamilyassociation@gmail.com
We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it is easy to forget to update them. So if you plan to change your e-mail address we would greatly appreciate your sending the new one to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, via email at: membership@dickinsonfamilyassociation.org If this newsletter was sent to an e-mail address that will soon be obsolete, please let us know.
The Dickinson Family Association is doing well, but change is always imminent.
Currently we have the following open positions on our Executive Committee:
Vice President, Secretary and Historian
Please contact DFA President, Ken Dickinson, via email for more information at: president@dickinsonfamilyassociation.org
Web site: www.dickinsonfamilyassociation.org
Newsletter editor: Dale Williams