Volume XIV No. 1

June 23-24
Litchfield, CT and Goshen, CT

Hello Cousins,

The DFA board had our fall 2016 meeting at the Publick House in Sturbridge, MA and our January 2017 meeting at J Anthony’s in Oxford, MA.  We discussed reunion plans, publications, board member vacancies, genealogy software options, as well as other topics.  It has been confirmed that our 148th Reunion will be held in the following two towns:  Litchfield, CT on Friday, June 23rd and Goshen, CT on Saturday, June 24th.

“Reunion Preview”

Several of our ancestors were early settlers of Litchfield and its surrounding towns.  The 2017 reunion will focus on the development of the Milton Village section of Litchfield and will highlight the experience of a few illustrative individuals and their families, such as Anson Dickinson, one of the country’s most celebrated miniaturist painters of the 19th century.

We will also explore various ancestors who achieved notable success outside of Connecticut:  Andrew Dickinson, who was a writer and merchant in NYC; Daniel Dickinson, who was a miniaturist painter in Philadelphia (Anson’s brother) and several others; i.e.  Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson of Goshen, CT, who was a US Senator for several terms,  NY State Attorney General, and a political leader during the Civil War Era.

Friday, June 23rd Activities: 

From 11am – 5pm, the Litchfield Historical Society Museum, located on Capt. John Marsh’s III / Col. Ebenezer Marsh homestead lot, adjacent to Litchfield’s Green @ 7 South Street, will offer a display table of Anson Dickinson’s miniature painting collection, as well as displays of various items from their permanent collection and archives which relate to the Dickinson Family.  The display will include photos, letters, newspaper articles, account books, and a portion of an original window from the Milton Trinity Church.  The church, whose construction is attributed to Master Builder, Oliver Dickinson, Jr. (1802) and the adjacent Milton Hall (1900) whose construction was partially financed by Edwin and Ithamar Dickinson will be open for viewing.   The Milton Village Historical District, located towards the Town Line of Goshen and Cornwall (Litchfield’s northwest quadrant), is a unique rural area where several Dickinson families resided for over two centuries, and several of their 18th and 19th century homes are well restored.  A free guided walking tour of Milton Village will be tentatively held on Friday at 1pm, beginning at the Milton Trinity Church, located at 536 Milton Rd.  The Litchfield Historical Society also offers tours on Friday afternoon at a small fee of $7.00 per person.  Tour Option #1:  Litchfield’s Green (Revolutionary War Period importance) and Tour Option #2:  Litchfield Law School, where Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson attended in 1827.  Tour Option #3:  A bus tour may also be an option.  Descriptions of these tours can also be found online at:
http://www.litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org/tours/adults.php.  Friday evening’s dinner / informal meeting will most likely be held at the Litchfield Inn (Tavern Off the Green Restaurant) @ 432 Bantam Road (Route 202) starting at approx. 5:30 pm.

Saturday, June 24th Activities: 

From 8:30 am – 3 pm, will be located at St. Thomas of Villanova Church, located at 71 North Street, Goshen, CT. This air-conditioned, modern, ADA accessible facility is found less than a half mile north of Route 4 (main route leading from I-84 Exit 39 in Farmington westerly through Torrington into Goshen).  Goshen, CT is also home to several wineries, a chocolate factory, Action Wildlife Foundation, and Mohawk State Forest.  Our current main speaker topic: “Anson Dickinson-Renown Miniaturist Painter” will be provided by, Alexander Dubois, LHS’s Curator of Collections. 

In addition, it is intended that a group of related family members will provide a presentation on other Dickinsons who resided in Litchfield and its surrounding towns.

We look forward to your attendance.

Ken Dickinson,  Vice President


The DFA needs a few more of our members to help out on the board.  We have two impending vacancies among elected board positions, namely treasurer and scholarship chair.  Virginia Allis has done a superb job as treasurer for over 15 years and wishes to retire.  Jean Whitten has served as scholarship chair for several years and also wants to step down. Also the position of Publication Treasurer may be available.

We would also welcome some new committee members on scholarship and finance.   Committee members are not required to attend board meetings, so they could reside anywhere.   Elected board members are expected to attend meetings when possible (we have 3 per year), so it is helpful if they live in the general southern New England area.

Please give this some serious consideration and let us know on the enclosed form about any areas in which you can help.  If you have any questions, contact nominations chair Dale Williams daw451@verizon.net ,  vice president Ken Dickinson kend@ssgpools.com , or past president Alan Dickinson anbdickinson@charter.net.

Finally, our invitation to attend a board meeting still stands.  If you would like to be notified of the time and place of the upcoming board meeting, indicate that on the survey card.  We’d love to have you come and see what we do!


     Application forms are now available for the 2017 DFA scholarship.  Applicants must be descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson and must be accepted to a four-year college or university.  The deadline for submission is April 30, 2017.  Full information on requirements and an application form may be found on our website.  For additional information you may contact our scholarship chair, Jean Whitten, 9 Shepherd Road, Manchester, NH 03104, jwhitten128@gmail.com. If you don’t have access to the internet, contact Jean and she will send you the form.      As always, we rely on contributions from DFA members to sustain and increase the scholarship fund.  If you are able, we would appreciate your help.  Indicate “scholarship fund” on the January Survey form if you wish to make a donation.


The card enclosed with this mailing serves several purposes.  Primarily it is to give us a rough idea of how many to expect at the reunion in June.  We know that plans may change between January and June, but if you are hoping at this point to attend, please send the card back to let us know.

The survey also gives you a chance to volunteer to help the DFA in a meaningful way.  For those of you who live within a reasonable distance of the area where we usually meet, we would like to invite you to come to a board meeting.  We usually meet in October, January and April, starting with lunch and in January and April concluding with the assembly of a mailing.  If you come, you can get a “behind-the-scenes” look at how the DFA operates, have an opportunity to participate in our discussions, and maybe even find a niche for yourself on the board.  Please consider that possibility, and let us know if you’re interested.

Whether or not you can volunteer to work on the DFA board, all can help financially.  As you know, we do not have dues, but we depend on members who are able, to make a contribution for operating expenses and/or for the scholarship fund.  Any amount you can contribute is gratefully welcomed and will help the association.


     We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it is easy to forget to update them.  So if your e-mail address and/or your postal address changes we would greatly appreciate your sending the new one to our membership clerk,  Beth Landolina, at bethL0719@sbcglobal.net

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A message from the DFA Board Greetings to all members of the Dickinson Family Association.   We hope that your summer has been enjoyable.   This Fall newsletter gives us the opportunity to review some of the recent activities of the association and report some upcoming ones. 

June 23-24
Litchfield, CT and Goshen, CT

Several of our ancestors were early settlers of Litchfield and its surrounding towns.  The 2017 reunion will focus on the development of the Milton Village section of Litchfield and will highlight the experience of a few illustrative individuals and their families, such as Anson Dickinson, one of the country’s most celebrated miniaturist painters of the 19th century.  We will also explore various ancestors who achieved notable success outside of Connecticut:

Andrew Dickinson, who was a writer and merchant in NYC; Daniel Dickinson, who was a miniaturist painter inPhiladelphia (Anson’s brother) and several others; i.e.  Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson of Goshen, CT, who was a US Senator for several terms, NY State Attorney General, and a political leader during the Civil War Era.

The current plans on Friday, June 23rd, are to offer tours of Litchfield’s Green (Revolutionary War Period importance) and the Litchfield Law School, where Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson attended in 1827.  The Litchfield Historical Society Museum, located on Capt. John Marsh’s III / Col. Ebenezer Marsh homestead lot adjacent Litchfield’s Green, will offer a display table of several dozen Anson Dickinson paintings, family photos, buildings, and artifacts.   Milton Village’s Trinity Church (1802) designed by Master Builder, Oliver Dickinson, will also be open for tours.  There are developing plans on Friday afternoon to hold a limited walking tour of Milton Village, where several Dickinson families resided for over two centuries, and several of their 18th and 19th century homes are well restored.  Friday’s dinner will be held at a restaurant in Litchfield, potentially at Litchfield Inn’s Tavern Off the Green”. 

The exact location and details of Saturday’s event are being developed.  Our guest speaker will be Alexander Dubois, LHS’s Curator of Collections, who will discuss Anson Dickinson’s miniature paintings, followed by a Dickinson descendant(s).  Tentative reservations have been made on Saturday, June 24th at St. Thomas of  Villanova Church in Goshen, CT which is a modern, ADA accessible building with Air Conditioning.  Further details for our 2017 reunion will be provided in our Winter Newsletter.

Ken Dickinson,

Vice President

The Old Connecticut Path The Old Connecticut Path was used by Nathaniel Dickinson, family and friends to reach their new home in Wethersfield, CT. At the 2016 reunion Jason Newton, a descendant of Connecticut settlers and researcher of the Old Connecticut Path, gave an excellent presentation of Nathaniel’s travels to his new home. 
Granddaughter of Nathaniel Dickinson kidnapped and marched to Canada while pregnantGreat Granddaughter was born in Canada and named Captivity before being rescued Hannah Jennings was the wife of Stephen Jennings, daughter of John Dickinson and granddaughter of Nathaniel Dickinson. She was kidnapped on Sept 19, 1677 during an Indian raid on Hatfield, Massachusetts. Hannah was marched to Canada with Martha Waite and others captives. Both were pregnant. While in Canada Hannah gave birth to Captivity Jennings on March 14, 1678. Martha gave birth to her daughter Canada Waite. Their husbands, Stephen Jennings and Benjamin Waite, left for Canada in October of 1677 and rescued the kidnapped colonists who returned safely to Hatfield in May, 1678. That is the story behind Captivity Jennings. She was the great granddaughter of Nathaniel Dickinson who was one of the founders of Hadley, Massachusetts. References: Descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson, 3rd ed, pages 15 & 16; Judd, Sylvester, History of Hadley, pages 175 – 179. 


Rebecca Passa, our Dickinson Genealogist, requests your inputs on Nathaniel Dickinson’s descendants.  You may send your births, marriages and death announcements to Becky at rlpassa99@gmail.com .

E-MAIL CHANGES REQUESTED We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it is easy to forget to update them.  So if you plan to change your e-mail address we would greatly appreciate your sending the new one to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, at bethL0719@sbcglobal.netIf this newsletter was sent to an e-mail address that will soon be obsolete, please let us know.
CORRECT ENGLISH ORIGINS OF NATHANIEL DICKINSON AVAILABLE * “The Correct English Origins of Nathaniel Dickinson and William Gull, Settlers of Wethersfield and Hadley” The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 152, April 1998. Copies of the article can be ordered from the publication: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116 
Be Thinking The Dickinson Family Association is doing well, but change is always imminent.  We ask that you think about volunteering to help out.  Two offices that are facing vacancies soon are Treasurer and Scholarship Chair.  We will elaborate on these and other opportunities to help in the January newsletter, but please be thinking positively about joining our operating team.
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Annual reunion, 2016

Wapping Community Church

South Windsor, CT

FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016

            5 PM               Open Board Meeting, The Adams Mill Restaurant, Manchester, CT

            6 PM               Social Hour, Adams Mill

            7 PM               Dinner, Adams Mill


            9:30 – 11:00    Gathering of the Cousins

            11:00 AM        Welcome

Presentation by Jennifer Bussa, “Libby’s Diaries; A Snapshot of

     Adna Elizabeth Dickinson Dutton”

Counting of the Cousins

            12 Noon          Group Photo/Lunch

            1:15 PM          Annual Meeting

            2:00 PM          Main Speaker, Jason Newton, “The Old Connecticut Path”

If you haven’t yet replied to our April mailing or should you need one, a duplicate response form is provided below for your convenience.

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Hello Cousins,

Plans for the 2016 reunion have been progressing well.  The Friday evening events will take place at Adams Mill Restaurant in Manchester, CT.  Entre choices are: Prime Rib of Beef with garlic mashed potatoes, Fresh Salmon Filet with rice pilaf, Pork Normandy, with apple cider cream sauce and garlic mashed potatoes, and Pasta Primavera. Salad, seasonal vegetables, rolls, coffee or tea and dessert are included.

The Saturday events will be at the Wapping Community Church in South Windsor, CT.  We are excited to welcome our speaker, Jason Newton, who will tell us about the journey of Samuel Hooker from Boston to Connecticut which followed the  “Old Connecticut Path”.  Hooker was a founder of the first three permanent settlements in Connecticut, Hartford, Wethersfield and Windsor.

The schedule for the reunion events appears below (Saturday details are subject to change).  Enclosed with this newsletter is a reservation card and return envelope.  Please observe the deadline of June 7 for returning this card.  Directions for getting to the venues will appear in the June newsletter as will the final schedule.  We invite anyone who has something to add to our exhibit table to bring it on Saturday at 9:30am.  

We’re happy to report that the January newsletter has elicited interest from some possible new board members.  We continue to invite any interested DFA members to contact one of the current board members and come join us at a board meeting.  The next one will be on Friday, June 17 at the Adams Mill Restaurant at 5pm, before our annual dinner.  That board meeting is a less formal one, and is always open to any DFA member who wishes to attend.


Friday, June 17

5pm     Open Informal Board Meeting

6pm     Social Hour

7pm     Annual Reunion Dinner

Saturday, June 18

9:30am       Gathering of cousins: registration, exhibits, sales & refreshments

11:00am     Possible pre-lunch feature

12:00pm     Lunch

1:00pm       Counting of the cousins, prizes, group photo

                                           Annual meeting

                                           Main Speaker, Jason Newton

Alan Dickinson
for the DFA Board

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A message from the DFA Board

Hello Cousins,

The DFA board had their fall meeting at the Publick House in Sturbridge, MA. This has become a fall tradition with us, usually very enjoyable. It was a bit more challenging this year due to the traffic and crowds from the fair going on across the street, but our lunch was delicious and the meeting went well.

We welcomed two new members to the board and both assumed positions. Meg Kribble has become our acting secretary and Ken Dickinson is acting vice president. Ken joins Dale Williams and Alan Dickinson as a “transition team” to guide the DFA through the current year leading up to the 2016 reunion. Dale was also appointed as acting publications treasurer.

We discussed possible venues for the next reunion. Our speaker, Jason Newton, will be telling us about the “Old Connecticut Path” from Boston to Hartford, which the earliest settlers followed. We thought it would be appropriate to have the reunion somewhere in Connecticut, possibly close to part of that path.

Alan agreed to follow up on suggestions made. There was also a discussion of some ideas for future reunions, and some possible new initiatives.

The board has been grappling with the question of how to proceed with the publication of our genealogy. The last remaining copies of the 3rd edition sold out at the recent reunion, so it was necessary to halt book sales. It was decided to order a reprint of 50 copies of the 3rd edition. However that will likely be the last print edition, with future publications appearing in some kind of digital format.

Alan Dickinson,

for the DFA Board


In November the order form for publications once again appeared on our website, but only for publications other than the 3rd edition. Once we receive more copies of the 3rd edition that will be added to the online order form.

The venues for the next reunion have been set. The Saturday activities will be on June 18th 2016 at the Wapping Community Church in South Windsor, CT. Friday’s dinner will be at The Adams Mill restaurant in Manchester. These are both close to I-84 east of Hartford, CT, and close to the path followed by Thomas Hooker.


Application forms are now available for the 2016 DFA scholarship. Applicants must be descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson and must be accepted to a four-year college or university. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2016. Full information on requirements and an application form may be found on our website. For additional information you may contact our scholarship chair, Jean Whitten, 9 Shepherd Road, Manchester, NH 03104, jeanmblackmer@gmail.com. If you don’t have access to the internet, contact Jean and she will send you the form.

As always, we rely on contributions from DFA members to sustain and increase the scholarship fund. If you are able, we would appreciate your help. Indicate “scholarship fund” on the January Survey form if you wish to make a donation.


The card enclosed with this mailing serves several purposes. Primarily it is to give us a rough idea of how many to expect at the reunion in June. We know that plans may change between January and June, but if you are hoping at this point to attend, please send the card back to let us know.

The survey also gives you a chance to volunteer to help the DFA in a meaningful way. For those of you who live within a reasonable distance of the area where we usually meet, we would like to invite you to come to a board meeting. We usually meet in October, January and April, starting with lunch and in January and April concluding with the assembly of a mailing. If you come, you can get a “behind-the-scenes” look at how the DFA operates, have an opportunity to participate in our discussions, and maybe even find a niche for yourself on the board. Please consider that possibility, and let us know if you’re interested.

Whether or not you can volunteer to work on the DFA board, all can help financially. As you know, we do not have dues, but we depend on members who are able, to make a contribution for operating expenses and/or for the scholarship fund. Any amount you can contribute is gratefully welcomed and will help the association.

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A Message from the DFA Board

Greetings to all members of the Dickinson Family Association.   We hope that your summer has been enjoyable.   This fall newsletter gives us the opportunity to review some of the recent activities of the association and report some upcoming ones.

The 2015 reunion, held in Amherst Massachusetts on June19 & 20 went very well and was attended by 85 DFA members.  The Friday evening dinner at the Lord Jeffery Inn was a great time for about 30 of us to see old friends, meet new ones and spend some enjoyable time in conversation.  It was more time than anticipated, due to the slow service that evening, but only a few of the officers seemed overly concerned.

On Saturday, the Emily Dickinson Museum provided several opportunities for our members to view the two houses, both inside and out.  The current major project, restoration of Emily Dickinson’s bedroom, was nearing completion and it was fascinating to see that.  The major thing missing was the wallpaper which arrived and was installed in August, and in September the project was complete and has been delighting recent visitors.

Our own activities included a power point presentation by cousin Patricia Vitale from Maryland, a delicious buffet lunch catered by Amherst College, and our main speaker, Eric Johnson, representing the group of archaeologists who had recently completed a “field school” at the museum.  It was fascinating to hear what they had done, how they operated, and the information one can derive about the lives of the Dickinson family in the days when Emily lived.   Among other results, their work will help make possible one of the next major projects the museum will undertake, that of rebuilding the conservatory once attached to the south side of the east wing, in the front of the homestead.

The business meeting was conducted by president Andrew Dickinson and included the usual “counting of the cousins” and prizes to three attendees: the oldest, the youngest and the farthest travelled.  Our scholarship recipient was present and took a few minutes to tell us a little about herself and her college plans.  When it came time for election of officers however this year we were confronted with several vacancies due to the very recent resignations of our president, publications treasurer and secretary.   The remaining officers were elected and the board began plans for an October meeting and work on filling the vacancies.  It is anticipated that at that meeting there will be some “acting” officers appointed as well as a “transition team” to lead the association through the coming year.

During the past summer, plans for next year’s reunion have started to be formed.  You can read about them elsewhere in this newsletter.  On our website you can read more details on the 2015 reunion and a listing of the current executive board.   Sales of our publications have been temporarily suspended, but when a new or acting publications treasurer is in place they will resume, hopefully soon.

Thank you all for your patience and have a wonderful autumn!

Alan Dickinson,

for the DFA Board

REUNION 2016 The Old Connecticut Path The Old Connecticut Path was used by Nathaniel Dickinson, family and friends to reach their new home in Wethersfield, CT. The current plans are for the 2016 reunion to be held on Saturday, June 18 at a location in Connecticut at or near the path, perhaps South Windsor, CT. The exact location and details are being developed. Our speaker Jason Newton, a descendant of Connecticut settlers, researched and documented the Old Connecticut Path. There will be a gathering of cousins for dinner on Friday evening, June 17. Come, meet with your cousins, share your stories and learn about  Nathaniel’s travels to his new home. 
DICKINSON EVENTS IN ESSEX, CT           The Essex Historical Society is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a series of events related to the renowned E.E. Dickinson of Witch Hazel fame.  Two of these have already taken place by the time you receive this newsletter, although you should all have received notification by e-mail in late summer.          
SEPTEMBER 13, 2015          A “stroll” through 5 buildings formerly owned by the E.E. Dickinson company.  The famous white-columned home of E.E. himself plus three other buildings some of which have been converted to homes, were open to visitors, as well as the former office building of the company, now occupied by Wells Fargo Advisors.  There were society members in each building to answer questions and beverages and light refreshments were served.  The 4-7pm event was a benefit for the Essex Historical Society.          
OCTOBER 18, 2015     The annual antique auto show including a tour of Dickinson business and family sites.          
JANUARY 24, 2016      A program with speaker on the topic: Creating the E.E. Dickinson National Brand.  This will be held at the former Dickinson Corporate Offices, 31 North Main Street, Essex.          
MAY 15, 2016     Dedication of the refurbished Yellow Label Building with a tour of the Dickinson Witch Hazel Plant.          Read more at the website of the historical society, www.essexhistory.org or call (860) 767-0681. 
CORRECT ENGLISH ORIGINS OF NATHANIEL DICKINSON AVAILABLE * “The Correct English Origins of Nathaniel Dickinson and William Gull, Settlers of Wethersfield and Hadley” The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 152, April 1998. Copies of the article can be ordered from the publication: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116 

                      A MESSAGE FROM OUR GENEALOGIST

Many, many thanks go out to our retiring Dickinson Genealogist Adrienne Weible for a good job, well done!    Please welcome Rebecca Passa as our new Dickinson Genealogist.  You may send your births, marriages and death announcements to Becky at rlpassa99@gmail.com

E-MAIL CHANGES REQUESTED We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it is easy to forget to update them.  So if you plan to change your e-mail address we would greatly appreciate your sending the new one to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, at bethL0719@sbcglobal.netIf this newsletter was sent to an e-mail address that will soon be obsolete, please let us know.
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The Essex Historical Society
60th Anniversary

The Dickinson Stroll
September 13, 2015

The E.E. Dickinson Mansion

The E.E. Dickinson Manison. Built in 1841.

Owned by E.E. Dickinson and family from 1888-1871

Samuel Lay Homestead

Completed in 1765. Owned by Dickinson family members from 1923-1972

The Dickinson garage, 1925. Converted to an elegant residence in late 20th century.

Barn constructed in 1860. Owned by Dickinsons from 1923-1984.

Remodeled as a home.

Two stroll attendees, former DFA genealogist, Margaret (Bucky) Bock and webmaster, Alan Dickinson

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Annual Reunion, 2015
Emily Dickinson Museum
Amherst, MA

FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015

            5 PM               Open Board Meeting, Lord Jeffery Inn, Amherst MA

            6 PM               Social Hour, Lord Jeffery Inn

            7 PM               Dinner, Lord Jeffery Inn


            9:00, 9:15, 10:00, 10:15 AM   Museum Tours (requires pre-registration)

            9:30 – 11:00    Gathering of the Cousins

            11:00 AM        Welcome; Patricia Vitale’s presentation; Counting of the Cousins

            12 Noon          Group Photo/Lunch

            1:15 PM          Annual Meeting/Reports of Board Members

            2:00 PM          Presentation by staff of UMass Archeological Field School

If you haven’t yet replied to our April mailing or should you need one,

a duplicate response form is provided below for your convenience.

Refer questions to Alan Dickinson, (413)596-9648,  anbdickinson@charter.net



TO THE LORD JEFFREY INN, AMHERST CENTER    FROM SOUTH: Take I-91 to exit 19 in Northampton. At the end of the ramp turn right onto Rte. 9.  Follow this (east)  6 mi. to the green in Amherst Center.    FROM WEST:  Take MassPike (I-90) to exit 4 and get on I-91 north.  Follow directions from the south above.  FROM NORTH:  Take I-91 to exit 20 in Northampton and follow signs to Rte. 9.  Take Rte. 9 east 6 mi to the green in Amherst Center.  FROM EAST:  Take MassPike (I-90) to exit 8.  Turn left after toll booth onto Rte. 32  At a fork, take a slight left onto High St. which eventually becomes Main St. in Three Rivers.  At the Sykes St intersection (traffic light) turn right and you will be on Rte. 181.  Follow that to Belchertown center where you pick up US 202 north.  At the junction with Rte. 9 (traffic light) turn left and follow Rte. 9 about 9 mi. to Amherst.  The Lord Jeff  is on the east side of the Amherst green at 30 Boltwood Ave.


Main Street is the north boundary of the town green.  Proceed east on Main St., past the Congregational Church, and the Museum is ahead on the left side of the street.


Metered parking is on the west-bound side of Main St., but side streets with blue reserved parking signs are available for (free) public parking in the summer.   The two marked handicapped parking spaces at the museum may NOT be used by DFA members as they must remain available for the public tours which will be in progress throughout the day.  Handicapped-authorized cars may drive up the driveway for a drop-off. 

General parking is available in the Alumni lot.  The lot is on Seelye Street, which is one block east of the town green and runs between College Street (Rte. 9) and Main St.  Walk up Seelye St. to Main St., turn right and the Homestead is ahead on your left. 

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A message from the President 
Hello Cousins, Our June 20, 2015 Reunion is fast approaching and we hope you will consider joining us. This years’ Reunion will be held at the Emily Dickinson Museum in Amherst and features a presentation on recent archaeological work being done on the museum grounds. Special museum tours have been arranged just for us so we encourage you to sign up for these in advance. The staff of the museum will also be providing children’s activities so please bring the young ones. A Cousin from Maryland, Patricia Vitale, will present her research on her 3rd great-Grandfather, Elijah Dickinson of Vermont, in the morning part of the program. Our Association Dinner will take place the evening before at The Lord Jeffrey Inn Amherst. As if this all weren’t enough- we have a new project starting up. During the last several years I’ve been struck by the wealth of information and anecdote that our members have. It occurred to me that we could document this knowledge and history by a process of videotaping members stories. This could be as simple as describing one’s family and the things we were told by our parents and grandparents. These spoken histories can be preserved on DVD’s and other digital storage devices and excepts can be put on our website. Steve Unkles, of Audio-Visual Archives, will be covering our Reunion this year and will be available during the Reunion and at other times throughout the year to any brave Cousin who wishes to participate in our spoken histories project. Please send in your reservations promptly to help us plan this important Reunion. Thank you,Andrew Dickinson, President DFA 
Friday, June 19, 2015 DFA Dinner at the Lord Jeffrey Inn, Amherst, MA.  
5 PM               Open Board Meeting            
6 PM               Social Hour            
7 PM               Dinner 
Saturday, June 20, 2015 at the Emily Dickinson Museum. Amherst, MA9:30AM-11:00AM Gathering of the Cousins, Museum Tours, Spoken History interviews11:00AM Welcome, Patricia Vitale’s presentation, Counting of the Cousins12:00 Noon Group Photo/Lunch1:15 Annual Meeting/Reports of Board Members/Children’s activities2:00 Presentation by Museum staff on recent archaeological work3:30 Goodbyes and singing God Bless America 
Please return your reservation form as soon as possible. Andrew Dickinson, President 

                               Tours Available on Reunion Day

The Emily Dickinson Museum staff will be providing three different tours on the morning of June 20th.

1.         A 90-minute tour, “Emily Dickinson’s World” which includes both the Homestead and Emily’s

brother Austin’s house, the Evergreens.  Tour starts at 9am, is limited to 10 visitors and is $11/person.

2.         A 45-minute exterior “Architecture Tour” on the museum grounds, also including both houses. 

            This tour has no limit and the fee is $9/person.

3.         A 15-minute guided  “Bedroom Visit” of the newly restored Emily Dickinson bedroom.  This is given

            twice: 9:15am and 10:15 am with a limit of 15 visitors for each.  The fee is $9/person.

If you are interested, indicate the number of people for each tour on the registration form and include

payment with your check for the reunion.  More information on the tours may be found on our website.

 2015 SCHOLARSHIP – LAST CALL Application forms are now available for the 2015 DFA scholarship.  Applicants must be descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson and must be accepted to a four-year college or university.  The deadline for submission is April 30, 2015.  Full information on requirements and an application form may be found on our website.  For additional information you may contact our scholarship chair, Jean Whitten, 9 Shepherd Rd, Manchester, NH 03104, jeanmblackmer@gmail.com.
 A MESSAGE FROM OUR GENEALOGIST Please send your births, marriages and death announcements to Dickinson Genealogist Rebecca Passa at rlpassa99@gmail.com or 17 Pine St, Easthampton, MA 01207. Please welcome Becky Passa as our new Genealogist. Our former Genealogist Adrienne Weibleretired from the position when she moved to Delaware.  Many, many thanks to Adrienne for her contributions as the Dickinson Genealogist!
 MISSING COUSINS Diana Roberts Anderson of Hulett, NY, Marion Hubbard Cook of Webster, NY, Lynne Cresutello, Barbara Dickinson of Roswell, MN, Betty Dickinson, Brad Dickinson, George S. Dickinson of Fairfield, CT, Michael Dickinson of Bradenton, FL, Philip C. Dickinson of Roseville, MI, Thomas S. Dickinson, Paul Oliver Dickinson Jr. of Vernon, FL, Mary Jane Dickinson Graham, Tom Guettler, George Hawksley of Bridgeport, CT, Elsie Hayden of Westfield, MA, Barbara Dickinson Hilton of Lumberton, NC, Debbi Jackson of Dunnelson, FL, Sue Shepard Jaques of Skillman, NJ, William Lundin of North Canton, OH, Frank Mallalieu of Oro Valley, AZ, Elwin Mauer of Evergreen, CO, Lora L. Pallatto of San Mateo, CA, Autumn Rader, Kate Sanders of Old Saybrook, CT.   If you have a mailing address for any of these cousins please send to Beth Landolina at BethL0719@sbcglobal.net. Thank you!
 ADDRESS & E-MAIL ADDRESS CHANGES REQUESTED Please send your address and e-mail address changes to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, at BethL0719@sbcglobal.net.
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A message from the President

Hello Cousins,

Hoping you had a wonderful holiday season with your family.  Your Dickinson Family Association is meeting in January to work on details of the June Reunion.

As mentioned in our recent e-newsletter our Reunion for 2015 will be at the Emily Dickinson Museum on June 20 with Cindy Dickinson, curator and historian, as our speaker. Our Association Dinner will be held the night before at the Lord Jeffrey Inn. One of our cherished traditions at our reunions is the “counting of the cousins” to see how many attendees are related to which son or daughter of Nathaniel. I was so pleased that a single intrepid descendant of Thomas attended last year. However, many years go by without a member of Hannah’s line visiting. Recently, persons of Hannah’s line have been in contact with our Cousin and Historian Alan Dickinson. I encourage you all to read Alan’s account of this activity in this newsletter.

Andrew Dickinson, President

2015 SCHOLARSHIP FORMS AVAILABLE      Application forms are now available for the 2015 DFA scholarship.  Applicants must be descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson and must be accepted to a four-year college or university.  The deadline for submission is April 30, 2015.  Full information on requirements and an application form may be found on our website.  For additional information you may contact our scholarship chair, Jean Whitten, 9 Shepherd Road, Manchester, NH 03104jeanmblackmer@gmail.com. If you don’t have access to the internet, contact Jean and she will send you the form.      As always, we rely on contributions from DFA members to sustain and increase the scholarship fund.  If you are able, we would appreciate your help.  Indicate “scholarship fund” on the January Survey form if you wish to make a donation. 
1883 – 2015 June 19 / 20, 2015 is the date to save for the 133nd anniversary of the reunion of 1883.  The 1883 meeting took place on the campus of Amherst College in Amherst, MA. This year the reunion will be in Amherst at the Emily Dickinson Homestead, adjacent to Amherst College.
DESCENDANTS OF HANNAHRecently we were delighted to be contacted by some descendants of Nathaniel’s daughter, Hannah. Hannah married John Clary and all her Clary descendants can be listed in our main genealogy, but after the 7th generation our information tapers off dramatically.  We very rarely see any descendants of Hannah at our reunions.  Only one of the last 12 reunions included descendants of Hannah.  So we are happy to add Richard Brown, his son, Hugh (Rob), and daughter-in-law Renee to our membership list. Renee is the family genealogist and has sent us a great deal of information which we have not previously had.  In addition, she and Rob have recently recorded a segment for the PBS show, Genealogy Roadshow.  It will air on January 27, 2015, at 8pm.  Genealogy Roadshow has also done some research on Nathaniel Dickinson’s descendants which we hope eventually to see. Meanwhile, we may have some names under Hannah on our “sign-in” poster at an upcoming reunion! 
ANNUAL JANUARY SURVEY      Enclosed with this newsletter is a response card on which you can indicate your tentative intention to attend this year’s reunion.  It also gives you an opportunity to offer your help to the association.  Some of the volunteer work requires that you be able to attend board meetings (usually 3 per year) which currently are held in W. Springfield and Sturbridge, MA.  Distance exempts many of you from this, but we do have a large number of members who live close enough.  We really hope you will give favorable consideration to helping us out.  The association can’t exist without these volunteers.     Also this is the time we ask you to consider a monetary gift to the association.  As you know, we rely on contributions from members for our operating expenses and also to support and build up our scholarship fund.  Please return the response card in the envelope provided, together with your check, if you are able, made out to The Dickinson Family Association. 

                                                 ADDRESSES – POSTAL & E-MAIL

We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it is easy to forget to update them.  So if your e-mail address and/or your postal address changes we would greatly appreciate your sending the new one to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, at bethL0719@sbcglobal.net

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