A message from the DFA Board
Hello Cousins,
The DFA board had their fall meeting at the Publick House in Sturbridge, MA. This has become a fall tradition with us, usually very enjoyable. It was a bit more challenging this year due to the traffic and crowds from the fair going on across the street, but our lunch was delicious and the meeting went well.
We welcomed two new members to the board and both assumed positions. Meg Kribble has become our acting secretary and Ken Dickinson is acting vice president. Ken joins Dale Williams and Alan Dickinson as a “transition team” to guide the DFA through the current year leading up to the 2016 reunion. Dale was also appointed as acting publications treasurer.
We discussed possible venues for the next reunion. Our speaker, Jason Newton, will be telling us about the “Old Connecticut Path” from Boston to Hartford, which the earliest settlers followed. We thought it would be appropriate to have the reunion somewhere in Connecticut, possibly close to part of that path.
Alan agreed to follow up on suggestions made. There was also a discussion of some ideas for future reunions, and some possible new initiatives.
The board has been grappling with the question of how to proceed with the publication of our genealogy. The last remaining copies of the 3rd edition sold out at the recent reunion, so it was necessary to halt book sales. It was decided to order a reprint of 50 copies of the 3rd edition. However that will likely be the last print edition, with future publications appearing in some kind of digital format.
Alan Dickinson,
for the DFA Board
In November the order form for publications once again appeared on our website, but only for publications other than the 3rd edition. Once we receive more copies of the 3rd edition that will be added to the online order form.
The venues for the next reunion have been set. The Saturday activities will be on June 18th 2016 at the Wapping Community Church in South Windsor, CT. Friday’s dinner will be at The Adams Mill restaurant in Manchester. These are both close to I-84 east of Hartford, CT, and close to the path followed by Thomas Hooker.
Application forms are now available for the 2016 DFA scholarship. Applicants must be descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson and must be accepted to a four-year college or university. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2016. Full information on requirements and an application form may be found on our website. For additional information you may contact our scholarship chair, Jean Whitten, 9 Shepherd Road, Manchester, NH 03104, jeanmblackmer@gmail.com. If you don’t have access to the internet, contact Jean and she will send you the form.
As always, we rely on contributions from DFA members to sustain and increase the scholarship fund. If you are able, we would appreciate your help. Indicate “scholarship fund” on the January Survey form if you wish to make a donation.
The card enclosed with this mailing serves several purposes. Primarily it is to give us a rough idea of how many to expect at the reunion in June. We know that plans may change between January and June, but if you are hoping at this point to attend, please send the card back to let us know.
The survey also gives you a chance to volunteer to help the DFA in a meaningful way. For those of you who live within a reasonable distance of the area where we usually meet, we would like to invite you to come to a board meeting. We usually meet in October, January and April, starting with lunch and in January and April concluding with the assembly of a mailing. If you come, you can get a “behind-the-scenes” look at how the DFA operates, have an opportunity to participate in our discussions, and maybe even find a niche for yourself on the board. Please consider that possibility, and let us know if you’re interested.
Whether or not you can volunteer to work on the DFA board, all can help financially. As you know, we do not have dues, but we depend on members who are able, to make a contribution for operating expenses and/or for the scholarship fund. Any amount you can contribute is gratefully welcomed and will help the association.