January 2022 Newsletter


Bronze statue of Sen. Daniel S. Dickinson
Erected in 1924 at the
Broome Country Court House, Binghamton, NY


Hello Cousins,

The 2022 Dickinson Family Reunion will be Saturday, June 25 with a Friday night gathering of cousins on June 24.   General Location: Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA (12 miles North of Springfield, MA) at the intersection of MA State Route 47 and MA State Route 116.  We are planning to hold Saturday’s reunion at Mount Holyoke College in Willits-Hallowell Conference Center’s Morrison Room (same location as the 2018, 2013 and 2010 reunions).  Friday’s dinner may also be held in the same location (TBD).  Mount Holyoke College is located adjacent to South Hadley’s historic village green in the geographical center of the Town.  Willits-Hallowell Conference Center’s main parking lot is located off of Park St. along Leaping Brook (1/4 mile from the village green/campus entrance).  Start time and other details will be provided in the April Newsletter. 
See following website for a detailed map: www.mtholyoke.edu/about/visit

Our reunion will focus on Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson who was a very active political leader from 1836 to 1866.  Beginning in 1836, he served both as a NY state senator and Lt. Governor of New York; and from 1844 to 1851 a U.S. Senator, serving as chairman on the Senate Finance Committee.  He was one of the best known politicians during this time, as he performed public speeches on a regular basis.  He was a strong abolitionist and served a key role in the annexation of Texas and the joint occupation of Oregon.  We are pleased to announce that Atty. James Thunder, who has conducted extensive research on Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson, is intended to be our main speaker. 
 For more information on Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson see our following website link which offers an illustrative paper written by Atty. James Thunder: 


Atty. Daniel S. Dickinson Genealogy:
Daniel Stevens Dickinson (1800- 1866): son of Daniel Thomas Dickinson (1768-1841) and Mary Caulkins (1769-1831); was born in Goshen, CT and died in New York City.  He is buried in Binghamton, NY where he served as its first mayor in 1834.  Daniel’s family removed from Goshen, CT in 1806 to Guilford, NY where his father helped establish their episcopal church in 1830.  Daniel’s grandfather: Thomas IV (1737-1811) was born in Hartford, CT, married in Norfolk, CT where he ran a harness shop and provided supplies during the Rev War, and died in Goshen, CT.  Daniel’s great grandfather:  Thomas III (1708-1747) lived the majority of his life in Hartford, CT where he served as a “fence viewer”.  Thomas II (1672-1723) was born in Hadley, MA and died in Hartford, CT where he served in the same capacity and maintained a farm along the CT River.  Thomas I (1632-1712/13) was born in Billingborough, England and died in Wethersfield, CT.  Thomas I was a first settler in Hadley, MA in 1659 along with his father Nathaniel (1600-1676).  About 1679, Thomas removed back to Wethersfield, CT and also owned lands in Hartford, CT.  These lands remained within their family for several generations.  More information to follow in our Spring Newsletter.   

Ken Dickinson,  President


The January Survey serves several purposes.  Primarily it is to give us a rough idea of how many to expect at the reunion in June.  We know that plans may change between January and June, but if you are hoping at this point to attend, please complete the survey to let us know.

The survey also gives you a chance to volunteer to help the DFA in a meaningful way.  Although we typically meet in person, for the past two years we have been conducting meetings remotely via Zoom.  If you attend a Zoom meeting, you can get a “behind-the-scenes” look at how the DFA operates, have an opportunity to participate in our discussions, and maybe even find a niche for yourself on the board.  Please consider that possibility, and let us know if you’re interested.

Whether or not you can volunteer to work on the DFA board, all can help financially.  As you know, we do not have dues, but we depend on members who are able, to make a contribution for operating expenses and/or for the scholarship fund.  Any amount you can contribute is gratefully welcomed and will help the association.

To complete the survey, click here: http://dickinsonfamilyassociation.org/quiz/january-2022-response-survey


The 2021 Scholarship Committee has selected Deanna Gann (Univ. of Vermont), Nathan Stene (Oklahoma State Univ.), and Ruthie Davis (Norwich Univ.) to each receive a scholarship of $1,500. Please note that application forms are now available for the 2022 DFA scholarship.  Applicants must be descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson and must be accepted to a four-year college or university.  The deadline for submission is April 30, 2022.  Full information on requirements and an application form may be found on our website.  For additional information you may contact our scholarship chair, Lisa Butler, 12 Cove St, Noank, CT  06340, email:  dickinsonfamilyassociation@gmail.com.

As always, we rely on contributions from DFA members to sustain and increase the scholarship fund.  If you are able, we would appreciate your help.  Indicate “scholarship fund” on the 2022 Survey form if you wish to make a donation.


We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it’s easy to forget to update them.  So if your e-mail address and/or your postal address changes, we would greatly appreciate you sending the new one to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, email at:   membership@dickinsonfamilyassociation.org.

Here is a reminder to please return the January Survey forms

Web site:  www.dickinsonfamilyassociation.org

                                             Newsletter editor:  Dale Williams


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