A message from the President Greetings Cousins, Another Summer has come and gone as the leaves start to fall here in New England. In late October the Board of Directors of your Association meet to iron out some business and plan next year’s Reunion. This years Reunion of 2013 was truly special. Our Cousin and featured speaker, Clifford Stott, gave a thoughtful and substantive presentation on our early English origins. His research in New York City, Utah and the United Kingdom has redirected our focus from Ely, England to Billingborough/Lincolnshire. We now have an ancestor, Walter/Waters, from the early 1500’s to call our own. Longtime DFA genealogist and 3rd edition author, Margaret “Bucky” Buckridge Bock was on hand to make sure we got it right. This coming year’s Reunion of 2014 will also feature a Cousin of ours…someone many of you know…who will give a talk on a fascinating historical subject which we have waited years to present- but we’ll keep their identity secret for now to make sure you all read the next newsletter. Andrew Dickinson, president |
NEWSLETTER ALERT ADD YOUR PICTURES TO OUR WEBSITE DFA members who have pictures or other items that would be appropriate for our website are invited to send them digitally to our webmaster, Alan Dickinson, at anbdickinson@charter.net. He will do his best to post them on our “Scrapbook” page. |
2014 DFA SCHOLARSHIP ALERT One of the most important functions of the Dickinson Family Association is the awarding of our annual scholarship. The deadline for applications for this year’s DFA scholarship is end of April. Anyone interested in applying should print out the form from our website and submit it with all other required material to the scholarship chair, Jean Whitten, 9 Shepherd Road, Manchester, NH 03104. If you don’t have access to the internet, contact Jean and she will send you the form. |
CORRECT ENGLISH ORIGINS OF NATHANIEL DICKINSON AVAILABLE * “The Correct English Origins of Nathaniel Dickinson and William Gull, Settlers of Wethersfield and Hadley” The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 152, April 1998. Copies of the article can be ordered from the publication: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116 |
NEWSLETTER ALERT The DFA newsletter typically goes out in January, April, June and October of each year. The June and October newsletters go out by e-mail to those who are able and willing to receive it this way, and it does save the association time and money. If you received this Oct 2013 newsletter by postal mail, that means either you have indicated you don’t wish to receive the newsletters electronically, or we do not have a valid e-mail address for you. We know e-mail addresses change frequently and it is easy to forget to update them. So if you change your e-mail address we would greatly appreciate your sending the new one to our membership clerk, Beth Landolina, at bethL0719@sbcglobal.net |